Working Papers
"From Rivals to Allies? CEO Connections in an Era of Common Ownership" with Dennis C. Hutschenreiter
"Beyond a one-size-fits-all approach to the consequences of telework: Exploring organizational role and job tenure as moderators " with Laura Guillén and Florian Kunze
Work in Progress
"Optimal Remote Work and Firm-Worker Matching"
4. "Pharmaceutical Innovation Collaboration, Evaluation, and Matching," Journal of Health Economics, 98:102922, 2024
3. "Similar-to-me Effects in the Grant Application Process: Applicants, Panellists, and the Likelihood of Obtaining Funds," with Albert Banal-Estañol, Inés Macho-Stadler, and David Pérez-Castrillo, R&D Management, 53, 819-839, 2023
2. "The Impact of Consumers’ Regret on Firms’ Decisions in a Durable Good Market," Journal of Economics, 139, 125–157, 2023
1. "Education Choices and Job Market Characteristics," with Inés Macho-Stadler, Economics Letters, 223, 110985, 2023